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Job Opportunity

Lotte E&C grows with your dreams and passion

Experienced PersonnelExperienced Personnel

Recruitment of New employees

Lotte E&C hires new members twice a year as well as our family companies.

Lotte E&C Careers Site

Hiring Procedure

  • STEP1 Accepting application forms

    Fill out an online application form.

  • STEP2 Paper Screening

    Carefully selects candidates based on their educational background, prior experience, and aptitude.

  • STEP3 Interviews

    Comprehensively reviews the applicant’s professional expertise, capability, value, and character.

  • STEP4 Medical Checkup

    Checks whether the applicant is fit for the job at hand.

  • STEP5 Announcement of Successful Candidates

    Additional interviews and other tests may be administered depending on job.

  • Qualifications
    • Anyone with a high school diploma is eligible to apply.
    • Anyone with more than three years of experience in the area for which you are applying.
    • Detailed qualifications may differ depending on group company or area of expertise.
    • Those with no disqualifications for overseas travel; for male applicants, those who have been discharged from the military.
  • Hiring procedure focusing on prior experience and character

    Although different depending on group company or area of expertise, the hiring of those with experience involves an in-depth interview on what the applicant has done in previous employment and whether the applicant’s value matches our need.

New HiresNew Hires

Recruitment of new employees

Lotte E&C hires new members twice a year as well as our family companies.

Lotte Recruit Site

Hiring Procedure

Hiring Schedule
1H 2H
Hiring Announcement Early April Mid-September
Accepting Applications Early April – Mid-April Mid- to Late September
Personality & Aptitude Test/Interviews Late April – Early May Early to Mid-October
Finalist Announcement After Mid-May After Late October
  • Anyone with a high school diploma is eligible to apply.
  • Anyone with more than three years of experience in area in which you are applying.
  • Detailed qualifications may differ depending on group company or area of expertise.
  • Those with no disqualifications for overseas travel; for male applicants, those who have been discharged from the military.
Hiring of personnel based on potential and thinking abilities
  • Hiring of those with no prior experience is based mainly on examination of future potential instead of educational attainment.
  • The applicant can become a vital member of the Lotte Group through a wide variety of experience and creative thinking abilities.



Hiring of interns occurs twice a year. The first-half intern hiring occurs from May to August while the second-half hiring occurs from October to December.The basic schedule and hiring announcements are made collectively at the group level while interviews and the finalist announcement are made by each group company.

Lotte Recruit Site

Hiring Procedure

Hiring Schedule
1H 2H
Hiring Announcement Early May Early October
Accepting Applications Mid-May – Late May Mid- to Late October
Interviews Early June – Mid-June Early to Mid-November
Internship Early July – Late August Early January – Late February
Internship Evaluation Late August Late February
Finalist Announcement Mid-September Mid-March
  • Anyone with a high school diploma is eligible to apply.
  • Detailed qualifications may differ depending on group company or area of expertise.
  • Those with no disqualifications for overseas travel; for male applicants, those who have been discharged from the military.
  • The applicant can find the perfect job through a variety of internship programs and realistic on-the-job training.
  • The company selects the ideal candidate through a series of tests based on simulated business situations; the applicant discovers his/her potential and aptitude through the same process.