Lotte E&C CI
The central color scheme for Lotte E&C’s word mark is the positive use of the Lotte red with a white background.
The color scheme is an integral part of the elements that form the visual image of our company. For this reason, managing the scheme is critically important for expressing Lotte E&C’s personality and delivering a unified brand image.
- Printing
- Pantone
- Pantone 485 C
- Process Color(CMYK)
- C0 M100 Y100 K0
- Meida
- Pantone 485 C
- Web
- C0 M100 Y100 K0
- Applicable Material
- Color Film for ddghting purposes
- 3M Red - Scatchcal Film 3630-33
- Color Film for non-ddghting purpose
- 3M Red - Scatchcal Film 7725-13/180-13
- Paint
- JB Paints KCI Color KCI 720 Enamel Orange color