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Environmentally Friendly Technology

Lotte E&C is developing technologies that will enhance the quality of life for humans while preserving nature.

New, renewable energy sources

Research in field-applicable geothermal and solar energy technologies

New energy sources include fuel-cell, hydrogen, liquefied coal gas and renewable energy sources include solar photovoltaic, solar energy, tidal, geothermal, micro-hydroelectric, waste, and biomass. With climate change and depletion of fossil fuels becoming mainstream issues, interest in these energy sources is growing dramatically.

The use of geothermal sources that take advantage of underground heat exchangers and solar photovoltaic modules that convert sunlight into electric power are relatively easy to apply to building construction so we are focusing on these two technologies.

For example, we installed the building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) modules in the collective energy facilities in Busan’s Southeastern Logistic Center. In the underground cultural facilities in Wonju Health Culture Center, we installed a vertical, closed loop-type geothermal system. A distributed geothermal system was installed in the Lotte Mall at Gimpo Airport.

Installation of photovoltaic modules
Installation of photovoltaic modules
Backfilling work after installing horizontal geothermal pipes
Backfilling work after installing horizontal geothermal pipes
Concept map of distributed geothermal system
Concept map of distributed geothermal system
    Integrated geothermal center
  • Retail outlet
  • Shopping mall
  • Hotel
  • Office building
  • Long-depth vertical closed loop type
  • Vertical closed loop type
  • Single well type
  • Multiple well type

Geothermal heat exchanger technology based on reinforced concrete

This technology calls for the laying of geothermal pipes in the foundation and retaining walls so that heat from 15 meters underground can warm the building.

We installed the pipes on an experimental basis and found the system had a 60% higher efficiency than conventional geothermal technology.

Test installation for comparative purposes
Additional installation of vertical closed loop-type geothermal pipes
Additional installation of vertical closed loop-type geothermal pipes
  1. 01. Additional installation of vertical closed loop-type geothermal pipes
  2. 02. Bentonite grouting
  3. 03. Bentonite grouting
  4. 04. Completes installation of heat exchanger
Installation of slurry wall geothermal pipes
Installation of slurry wall geothermal pipes
  1. 01. Connects a geothermal heat exchanger on rebars
  2. 02. Inserts slurry walls
  3. 03. Concrete pouring
  4. 04. Completes installation of slurry walls